Customer Service

How to lodge a complaint or claim

The Insurance Broker’s Customer Service (CS) is only responsible for handling and resolving complaints and claims lodged by clients of they entail legally recognised interests and rights.

Customer Service is not responsible for resolving incidents related to the issue and payment of its products, nor for handling claims (in the case of insurance products). In such cases, clients should call the telephone numbers that appear on contractual documentation or contact the office or broker used to take out these products.

Should you need to file a complaint or claim with CS, check the Customer Service Regulations, which stipulates and governs its activities, as well as the procedures for lodging and processing complaints and claims arising from a contractual relationship.

Who is entitled to claim

Clients who have used the financial services to take out products with the Insurance Broker, in addition to policy holders, the insured, beneficiaries and injured third parties, in the case of insurance products marketed by Caser Valores e Inversiones S.A.U.

How to claim

Use the Claims Form provided below, or any other written document that fulfils the requisites set out in article 8 of the aforementioned Regulations, either submitted personally or thorough a legal representative.

  • If the online Claims Form is used, all fields marked with an asterisk (mandatory fields) must be filled in, as this shall enable us to successfully process your complaint or claim. It may be submitted as described below.

    Online Claims Form

    • To our office at Plaza de la Lealtad, 4 - 4ª Planta. 28014 - Madrid.
    • By standard post sent to CASER.- Servicio de Defensa del Asegurado. Avenida de Burgos, 109. 28050 - Madrid
    • By email to


  • The European Commission has made an online dispute resolution platform available for policies offered on the Internet or other electronic media, which can be found at the following link: Online Dispute Resolution Platform

How we resolve claims

CS shall reply in writing to clients in the shortest possible delay.

Should a client disagree with the decision handed down or fail to receive a resolution from the Insurance Broker’s Customer Service within one month, a complaint or claim may be lodged as explained below.

  • As a user of the Insurance Broker’s financial services, you may file claims with Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV – Spanish Securities Commission) at Calle Edison, 4, 28006 Madrid or Passeig de Gràcia, 19, 08007 Barcelona. To do so, you may request the relevant form from us, which is also posted on the Internet at the following address:

    Access to information on lodging claims with the CNMV

  • As a user of insurance products, you may file claims with Servicio de Reclamaciones de la Dirección General de Seguros y Fondos de Pensiones (Claims Service of the General Directorate of Insurance Policies and Pension Funds). To do so, you may request the relevant form from us, which is also posted on the Internet at the following address:

    Access to the Claims Service of the General Directorate of Insurance Policies and Pension Funds


ID/Passport no.*
Telephone no.**
Contract Ref.
(*) Mandatory fields
(**) One of fields mandatory.